Anita McLaughlin

Your local homeopath for Guernsey


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Arnica and Calendula  -
Two little flowers...

Homeopathy is brilliant in first aid situations and here are two remedies no first aid Kit is complete without.

Arnica.  It is often the first homeopathic remedy people come to and all homeopaths have wonderful tales to tell of it.  Arnica Montana � to give it its full name is more commonly known as Leopard�s bane and is found on mountain slopes in spring and summer all over the world.


Arnica promotes healing, controls bleeding, reduces swelling and bruising and prevents infection.  It is the first remedy to think of in any accident or trauma where there is shock.  It is ideal in surgery or childbirth.  


Arnica is also great after

Dental treatment to control bleeding and speed up healing, especially after extraction

Broken bones � give in the first stage where there is swelling and bruising

Bruises � Number 1 remedy for bruising; it speeds up healing and controls bleeding internally and externally

Eye injuries � Injuries to the Eye ball and of course black eyes.  One of my sons has been known to refuse Arnica and rather show off his black eye rugby injury at school the next day!

Head injuries � give Arnica as a routine after any fall or bang to the head; if you wait for an egg to appear you will be able to watch the lump disappear before your eyes!

Cuts/wounds � great for any injury to the soft tissues eg. Muscles where there is bruising and swelling

JET LAG � when you have that bruised beaten up feeling after a long haul flight.

In the above situations Arnica can be taken internally as a homeopathic remedy but when appropriate can also be used externally as a cream � one word of caution though � do not put topically on broken skin as it will irritate.


Where there is a broken or lacerated wound Calendula can be used.  Calendula, more well known to us as the Pot Marigold, is the homeopathic anti-septic. 

Unlike Arnica it has no irritating property, but do be careful if using topically to clean the wound thoroughly first. 

So typically think of Calendula when the skin is broken - abrasions, burns, cuts, lacerations and puncture wounds.

Calendula can be taken internally as a homeopathic remedy but also a few drops of the mother tincture added to water can be applied directly.  When added to a bath it can be a wonderful soothing healer after childbirth.