Guernsey Homeopath

BSc LCHE MARH. For all your homeopathic needs you are very welcome to call Anita.

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My journey into homeopathy

I was first introduced to homeopathy 8 yrs ago when my then 8 year old son developed a dry wheezy cough that refused to dissipate. He had had it for a period of 5-6 months over the summer 2000. As my father had been an asthma sufferer and my husband also had a family history of asthma I considered asthma a possibility. However as his symptoms were not very severe and I was keen to try a natural and holistic approach first, a friend recommended I see a homeopath. Within 2 weeks of commencement of treatment with homeopathy his cough had disappeared and has not returned. Homeopathy has continued to be our primary form of health-care ever since. My fascination with homeopathy grew while observing its curative powers on my own children and family. But I became hungry to know more and so in 2003 I began a part-time course at The Centre for Homeopathic Education at Regents College, London. I qualified as a Homeopath in June 2007 and I am a Licensed Member of The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH) which monitors the standards of clinical and ethical practice.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic medicine. It treats the body as a whole, taking into account mental and emotional aspects as well as physical aspects. Homeopathy translates from the Latin to mean ‘similar suffering’ and works on the principle of ‘like cures like’ where the properties of the homeopathic remedy are matched to the symptoms of the individual person. A well chosen remedy aims to stimulate the natural and intelligent tendency of the body to heal itself by raising its vitality and energy. A homeopath uses a similar potentised medicine to stimulate the dynamic energy of the patient, so that the body itself can bring about a cure. Homeopathic remedies are safe and gentle, and non-addictive. They won’t cause toxic side effects because the remedies are made in infinitesimal small doses. Homeopathy is therefore suitable for treating all ages and all conditions.

The philosophy behind homeopathy actually goes back two and a half thousand years to Hippocrates, the ‘Father of Medicine’ who wrote that there were 2 methods of healing: by ‘opposites’ and by‘similars’. The ancient principal of ‘similars’ or ‘like curing like’ in fact was commonly used in many other cultures in folk and herbal medicines. However it is Samuel Hahnemann, born in Germany in 1755 who is considered to be the “Father of Homeopathy”. A contemporary of Mozart, Schiller and Goethe, Hahnemann studied and then practised medicine for 9 years. Increasingly however, he became disillusioned by the cruel and ineffective treatments of his time which included blood-lettings, purging and the use of poisonous drugs such as arsenic, belladonna and mercury which were often more lethal than the ailments they were trying to cure.

Homeopaths use a variety of substances to make their remedies. These are obtained from plants, minerals, metals, and animals. Hahnemann’s first experiments were with Peruvian Bark (China) from which quinine is derived. This was commonly used at that time for the treatment of malaria. He discovered that by taking regular doses of China he was able to produce symptoms in himself very similar to malaria. He further discovered that by dilution and potentisation of a substance, past the point that anything of the original substance was left, the dynamic energy of that substance still remained. So by dilution and potentisation of substances, some of which are often poisoness even in small doses, homeopaths are able to make them ‘safe’ to take and so to stimulate the body into appropriate action.

Examples of homeopathic plant remedies are: Bellis perennis (the common daisy); Allium Cepa (Onion); Chamomilla (German chamomile); Digitalis (Foxglove); Gelsemium (Yellow Jasmine); Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade); Arnica (Leopard’s bane); Hypericum (St. John’s Wort). Examples of some mineral homeopathic remedies: Phosphorus; Arsenicum; Aurum (gold); Argentum (silver); Natrum Muriaticum (Salt). Examples of some animal homeopathic remedies are: Apis (bee sting); Sepia (cuttle fish ink) and Tarantula.

What can Homeopathy treat?

There are many acute and first aid conditions that can be treated safely yourself.

It is a good idea to have a little homeopathic first aid kit ready to hand at home. Bumps, bruises, minor burns, coughs, colds, flu, tummy upsets are all things you can treat at home with homeopathy. My two boys play rugby and don’t leave home without Arnica in their kit bags for themselves and their friends!

Chronic conditions must be treated by a professional homeopath. Homeopathy can be used alongside other medicine.

Many people are already on conventional medicine but homeopathic remedies can help them get to a point where they can consider reducing their medication – in conjunction with their GP or consultant.

Examples of some chronic conditions that are helped and treated very well with homeopathy are:

Acne; allergies – hayfever and asthma; eczema and psoriasis; digestive problems and IBS; grief; hyperactivity and ADHD; indigestion heartburn; migraines and headaches; insomnia; ME and chronic fatique; MS; menstrual disorders, ‘PMT’, fertility, thyroid conditions, blood pressure, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, rheumatism and arthritis, urinary disorders and cystitis. Homeopathy can also give support during other times in our lives like during PREGNANCY and BIRTH, MENOPAUSE, TRAVELLING (jet lag or motion or altitude sickness) GIVING UP SMOKING

What to expect from a visit to a homeopath?

The initial consultation with a professional homeopath will take around an hour and a half. They will take a full medical history but will also ask details about significant events in your life. They will be interested in body temperature, sleep patterns, food likes and dislikes, diet and digestion and of course mental and emotional symptoms. The second consultation will normally take place 4-6 weeks later and will be shorter – probably about an hour long. Frequency of appointments really depends on what needs to be treated and how long the patient has been suffering with their condition. A long standing case of eczema will take more visits, whereas some people visit their homeopath just once a year for a general ‘MOT’ and constitutional remedy.

Because homeopathy is such a gentle form of medicine it is suitable for everyone, from newbornbabies, children and teenagers through into adult life and old age. It can often help with health issues that conventional medicine can’t really deal with and recurrent chronic conditions that you need help with, or perhaps require you to take a medication that you would like to reduce or rather not be on.

I grew up in Guernsey and was educated at The Ladies’ College. I moved to Luxembourg in 1988 where I had my two children.